Michael “Scot” Morris serves as the Acting Assistant Inspector General for Investigations (AIGI). Scot joined DFC OIG in September 2021 as a senior attorney, providing legal guidance on investigation and audit projects. As Acting AIGI, Scot leads OIG’s investigative efforts ranging from employee misconduct to whistleblower retaliation to international fraud and corruption. Prior to joining DFC OIG, Scot led federal criminal investigations and prosecutions as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Florida, as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Postal Service OIG, and as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for USAID OIG. Scot has extensive experience leading criminal, civil, and administrative investigations, including international and complex financial investigations. Prior to becoming a lawyer, Scot worked for several years as a CPA. He earned a B.S. in accounting from Penn State and a J.D. from the University of Florida.